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Monday, February 2, 2009

Healthful tips

We all know healthy skin and hair starts with a healthy diet, if we are deficient in certain vitamins or minerals our hair can thin, nails can become brittle, bones can weaken, well you get my point. I workout almost everyday. I also have been eating more whole foods and foods with with less or no preservatives. I also have been drinking more water/less soda. I know it's hard with our lifestyles now days, but we can take it one day at a time and balance it out.

try to exercise daily (even if it's a quick stroll around the mall or neighborhood)
eat fruits and vegetables every day, in order to get vital minerals and vitamins
drink at least 1 liter of water a day to keep your body hydrated
cut down on high-fat foods, especially at breakfast
you can grill the food in order to reduce the fat content
eating meat, poultry, fish or pulses will provide the protein needed to repair daily damage
eating a wide variety of foods will ensure you get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that you need every day
eat more whole grain foods which may help to keep your heart healthy (I love oatmeal)

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